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Category Archives: Top 10

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Top Ten Tips for Filling out your Long Form Financial Statement

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

If you are involved in a divorce case in which alimony (and possibly child support) is being sought, you may be required to fill out something called a Long Form Financial Statement.  While the required form is set forth in Maryland Family Law Subsection 9-203, there is no guidance provided as to how best… Read More »

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Helpful New Year’s Resolutions – Family Law Litigation Edition

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

The beginning of each year is a great time to reflect on the past year and to look forward to the upcoming year, setting goals and starting (or resuming) new productive habits. There are lots of places to look to for help in setting helpful new year’s resolutions, but if you are involved in… Read More »

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Top 10 Things To Bring To The First Meeting With Your Divorce Attorney

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

Documents evidencing your and your spouse’s assets; such as: Bank Statements Brokerage Statements 401k, 403b, IRA, Roth-IRA, SEP-IRA, TSP, Pension Statements, FERS or CSRS Statements Bonds Mutual Fund Statements College Fund Statements Stock Option Statements   Information evidencing the value of your family home, vacation home, rental properties; such as: Zillow Zestimate Values from… Read More »

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A Glossary of Definitions for the 10 Most Frequently Misunderstood Maryland Family Law Terms

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

Incorporated But Not Merged:              Maryland Attorneys often request that the Court incorporate, but not merge, an Agreement into a Court Order.  The request can be made for any type of an Agreement;  a Marital Settlement Agreement, a Custody Agreement, a Temporary Agreement, a Post-Nuptial Agreement, or a Child Support Agreement, for example.  We do… Read More »

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By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

Do not disparage your co-parent to your children.  Your children are keenly aware (even at a very young age) that they share the characteristics and DNA of both of their parents.  Putting down your co-parent is identical to putting down your child and will ultimately diminish your child’s confidence and self-worth.   Do check… Read More »

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10 Ideas For How To NOT Let Covid-19 Take The Fun Out of Halloween 2020

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

Halloween is the absolute favorite holiday of most American children.  Unfortunately, many of our Halloween traditions do not lend themselves to Covid-19 safe practices.  The 10 Halloween activities below are listed from lower to higher risk in accordance with CDC Guidelines.   LOW RISK Pumpkin Carving and/or Painting Carve and/or paint pumpkins with members… Read More »

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