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Category Archives: Divorce


Custody/Access Schedules for Children

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

One of the biggest concerns of parents during a divorce or custody action is the custody/access schedule for their children. For many parents who live together with their children, the thought of not seeing their children every day is overwhelming. So, most parents meeting with an attorney are going to ask, “what type of… Read More »

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Top Ten Tips for Filling out your Long Form Financial Statement

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

If you are involved in a divorce case in which alimony (and possibly child support) is being sought, you may be required to fill out something called a Long Form Financial Statement.  While the required form is set forth in Maryland Family Law Subsection 9-203, there is no guidance provided as to how best… Read More »

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Parent Coordination: Helping You Co-Parent for the Benefit of Your Children

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

While some families are able to transition from an “intact” family to a family with two homes (either post-divorce or separation) seamlessly, the reality is most families cannot. No co-parenting relationship is exactly 50/50 even when parents are together. Sometimes, one parent stays home and takes a larger role in the day-to-day management of… Read More »

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Do’s and Don’ts When Appearing in Court

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

Fortunately, most family law matters are resolved prior to having a judge decide the issues at a merits hearing.  However, many times a resolution occurs after there have been motions hearing, temporary hearings, or other court appearances, and, of course, some matters proceed all the way to trial. If you find yourself in a… Read More »

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Financial Statements in Divorce/Custody Cases: The Long Form vs. The Short Form and How to Complete the Forms Correctly

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

In divorce and custody cases, there are two types of financial statements. The first is the Short Form Financial Statement (Short Form Available Here) and the second is the Long Form Financial Statement (Long Form Available Here). If you are filing for custody or divorce, it is likely you will need one form or… Read More »

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How Much Money Does it Take to Care for Kevin Costner’s Children?

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

As many people who already read celebrity news may already know, Kevin Costner and his wife, Christine Baumgartner, are going through a nasty and very public divorce.  At the heart of their dispute is the custody of their three minor children, who are 12, 14, and 15 years old.  Ms. Baumgartner accused her husband… Read More »

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When should I get my QDRO prepared?

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

When should I get my QDRO prepared? “Do I need to get my QDRO done immediately after my divorce?” This is a question we hear all the time. Sometimes we hear “Can I wait?” After a divorce, you’re probably not excited about putting in the time, money, and effort it takes to prepare a… Read More »

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Major Changes to Divorce Law in Maryland

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

For years, Maryland has been one of the few States that did not offer a “no fault” ground for divorce. Instead, those individuals that filed for divorce had to choose between the following reasons for wanting that divorce: adultery (cheating/infidelity), desertion, incarceration, one year separation, insanity, cruelty of treatment to a spouse or child,… Read More »

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Steps in a Contested Divorce/Custody Case in Maryland

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

One of the questions I get asked most in a divorce or custody consult is what is the court “process” like if their cases is contested. Generally, potential clients are surprised to learn how long a contested case could take and how much happens before they actually “get their day in court.” First, it… Read More »

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Back to School . . . . But Where?

By Weinberg & Schwartz, L.L.C. |

Let’s say you were fortunate enough to resolve the custody and access of your young child following a divorce.  Perhaps, like many couples, you agreed to an equally shared physical custody and decided to have joint legal custody.  You and your ex have been getting along great and co-parenting together.  You only live a… Read More »

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