Tag Archives: schedule
Helpful New Year’s Resolutions – Family Law Litigation Edition
The beginning of each year is a great time to reflect on the past year and to look forward to the upcoming year, setting goals and starting (or resuming) new productive habits. There are lots of places to look to for help in setting helpful new year’s resolutions, but if you are involved in… Read More »
How Old Does My Child Have to be to Decide Where They Will Live?
Any attorney who regularly practices family law has heard some version of the question: how old does my child have to be to decide which parent they will live with? The answer, not surprisingly, can depend very much on the circumstances facing the particular family. Ultimately, the child’s preference is one factor in the… Read More »
Custody and Access in the Time of Covid-19
Covid-19 has had a monumental impact on almost all aspects of life. Many people have grown accustomed to working from home, going to school from home, and spending lengthy periods of time in quarantine. With all of the regulations and protocols that are in place, how are parents supposed to follow their custody and… Read More »
Do not disparage your co-parent to your children. Your children are keenly aware (even at a very young age) that they share the characteristics and DNA of both of their parents. Putting down your co-parent is identical to putting down your child and will ultimately diminish your child’s confidence and self-worth. Do check… Read More »

Maryland Parenting Plans and What They Mean to Parents
Parenting Plans are now a requirement for litigants going through the Maryland court system. A Parenting Plan is a written agreement between parents that sets forth their plan for raising their child(ren) in the child(ren)’s best interest. The courts throughout the state now require parents to work on a Parenting Plan either with the… Read More »